Country Cattle 11/04/24 7:58:51 AM
Buy/Sell Inquiry Form (for questions on the form please email stratford@equitycoop.com)
Head Count | Sex | Wt. | Breed | Delivery | Shrink | Slide | Location | Asking | Description | Contact Name/Phone # | SOLD 240 | Steers | 350# | Holstein | Mid November | N/A | $1.00/CWT | Southern Wi. | $3.25lb | Vaccinated 2 Rds Pyramid 5 Knife Cut No Implant Housed in a Hoop Barn Fed Shell Corn, Pellets, & Dry Hay on side Medium Flesh + Condition | John Kane 608-393-4371 Bryce Ladwig 608-393-4054 Zac Bubolz 920-374-8961 | SOLD 140 | Steers | Approx: 300# | Holstein | As soon As Possible | N/A | Overage $1.25lb | Central Wi. | $3.33lb | Fed Shell Corn & Pellets Implanted 2 Rds of Shots Medium Flesh + Condition | Jim Lindsay 608-963-3324 |